I received my Ph.D. from the University of Bologna in 2000 and worked there as a Research Assistant from 2002 to 2005. I am currently a full professor at the University of Trento, where I joined as an associate professor in 2005. My areas of teaching expertise include algorithms and data structures, distributed systems, and computer science education.
My research initially focused on large-scale decentralized systems, but my recent work has centered on centralized algorithms for graph analysis, thanks to the impressive contributions of my Ph.D. students.
More recently, I have become interested in computer science education. As a result, I first served as a liaison between local schools and my department, and now I do so for the entire university. In addition, my interest in this area has led to my appointment as the pro-rector for the university’s outreach program.
Research Statement
My research interests include distributed computing, fault-tolerance, peer-to-peer, gossip protocols and algorithms for the analysis of very large graphs. My main goal is to develop protocols and algorithms that are capable to scale to massive sizes and are able to survive to failures and to dynamism.
Research Stats
Phd Students (Past)
Francesca Fiore (Post-doc @ UniTrento)
Cristian Consonni (Joint Research Centre, European Commission)
Zekarias Kefato (AstraZeneca, UK)
Sheikh Nasrullah (IBM Almaden, USA)
Alessio Guerrieri (SpazioDati, Italy)
Hanna Kavalionak (ISTI-CNR, Italy)
Giuliano Mega (Window Finance, Brasil)
Marco Biazzini (Amadeus, France)
Phd Students (now)
Francesco Lotito
Giulia Paludo
David Zikovitz (Co-supervisor)
Marta Valentini
Peersim is a framework for simulating large-scale distributed systems, aka peer-to-peer systems, written in cooperation with Mark Jelasity, Spyros Voulgaris, Gian Paolo Jesi. We are not actively developing it any more; version 1.0.5 has been released on September 29th, 2009.
- Based on SourceForge statistics, it has been downloaded 38,000+ times! (Feb. 2024)
- Based on Google Scholar, 1100+ papers cite it
Jgroup/Arm combines Jgroup, an integration of group technology with distributed objects, and ARM, the autonomous replication management system. It has been written in cooperation with Hein Meling. This project was the output of our Ph.D. theses.
- 2023–2025: PI of the PRIN Project “Learning informatics”, September 2023-September 2025
- 2023–2026: Local coordinator of the EU’s Horizon Research and Innovation Programme “Cloudstars”, January 2023-December 2026.
- 2022- : Delegate of the rector for Relationship with schools, November 2022-.
- 2022- : Delegate of the rector for Third Mission, November 2022-
- 2022- : Member of the Implementation committee for the strategic plan of the University of Trento, June 2022-
- 2022–2023: New books — this time for high schools: Hashtag 1, March 2022; Hashtag 2, April 2023 (kudos to Maurizio Boscaini who is the main author)
- 2022–2024: Local coordinator of the Erasmus+ KA2 Project “Computational Thinking Academy”, March 2022-September 2024
- 2022–2023: Scientific Coordinator of the MUR “STEM-KIT” Project, January 2022-February 2023
- 2021–2025: Member of the Academic Senate @ UniTN, April 2021-March 2025
- 2020–2023: Included in the Stanford’s University “World’s Top 2%” Ranking
- 2020: Full professor, April 2020
- 2020–2023: Started a career in theatre (kinda): La bellezza computazionale della natura @ Il teatro della meraviglia 2020, Trento, February 2020; Ostia, June 2021; Sofia, September 2021; Coimbra, November 2021; Milano, February 2023; Trento, March 2023. L’informatico inconsapevole @ Teatro della meraviglia, September 2022.
- 2019–2022: Delegate of the rector for ICT Services, September 2019-October 2022.
- 2018: General co-chair of SASO’18, Trento, Italy, September 2018
- 2016: Tutorial speaker at Middleware’16, Trento, Italy, December 2016
- 2016: Tutorial speaker at ICDCS’16, Nara, Japan, June 2016.
- 2012: Keynote speaker at ACM CompArch’12, Bertinoro, Forli’, June 2012
- 2012: Editor, Special Issue on “Extreme Distributed Systems: From Large Scale to Complexity”, Springer Computing, September 2012.
- 2012–2015: Coordinator of the Computer Science and Engineering degrees, DISI, University of Trento.
- 2011: Best paper award at P2P’11 for the paper “Cloudy Weather for P2P, with a Chance of Gossip”
- 2011–2021: Associate Editor of Springer Computing Journal
- 2010–2014: My first book about Algorithms and Data Structures (in Italian) has been published in 2010; a new edition has been published in 2014.
- 2010–2013: Steering committee chair: Peer-to-Peer Computing Conference
- 2010–2012: Coordinator of the Autonomic Security project, financed by the Italian PRIN Programme
- 2010–2012: Member of the Nucleo di Valutazione (Evaluation Committee) of the University of Trento
- 2007–2012: Coordinator of the ATLAS project, financed by the EU-US ATLANTIS Programme
- 2007–2009: Steering committee member, DAIS Conference
- 2006–2009: Coordinator of the Computer Science Degrees, Faculty of Science, University of Trento